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五年级英语作文:A pen friend

作者or编辑: 作文网 发布: www.7lizhi.com/zuowen/ 时间: 2014-10-07 阅读:

  五年级英语作文:A pen friend
  Dear Tom:
  I am very happy to be your pen pal. I hope we can be good friends.
  I‘d like to introduce myself first
  I am 13 years old. I’m a student and smart and sunny girl.
  I have tow small eyes, tow rows of neat, white teeth. I have a six one meters high.
  I like reading a book. My favourite colour is purple. The kangaroo and panda is my like animal.
  My family members have me, mother, father and baby sister.
  I’m pleased do meet you!
  Best wishes to you
  You new pen pal, Cao Wanqian

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本文标题:五年级英语作文:A pen friend

