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三年级英语作文-My self-introduction

作者or编辑: 秩名投稿 发布: www.7lizhi.com/zuowen 时间: 2014-09-09 阅读:

  三年级作文-My self-introduction
  Hello, I am Cao Wanqian. I am a smart girl.I am 12 years old.
  I have short [a.n.d] black hair [a.n.d] small eyes.
  Purple is my favourite colour. Kangaroo is my favourite animal.
  I have a good friend. It’s name’s Zhao Xhuanru, It’s funny. I like she.
  ----作者:曹菀签 (注释:[a.n.d] 替换为原来的单词)

上一篇:五年级英语作文 - A pen friend 下一篇:四年级英语作文 - My family
本文标题:三年级英语作文-My self-introduction

