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  • [中考英语] 写给朋友的一封信英语作文:A letter to a friend (2014-09-09)

    写给朋友的一封信英语作文:A letter to a friend I have a good friend.His name is Dave.He wants to make friends with you.Now i will introduce him to you all. ---------------------...

  • [中考英语] 我爱我的家乡英语作文:i love my village (2014-09-09)

    我爱我的家乡英语作文:i love my village hello, dear friends! welcome to my village. its big [a.n.d] beautiful! i like it very much. look! there are many houses in the village. they...

  • [中考英语] 我的生日英语作文:my birthday (2014-09-09)

    我的生日英语作文:my birthday today is my nineth birthday.my mother [a.n.d] my gr[a.n.d]ma buy a big cake for me.when i get home,i see a cake on the table. there are nine c[a.n.d]l...

  • [中考英语] 干净的雨世界:Clean rain world (2014-09-09)

    Clean rain world Only in the rain the world is clean, the color is very beautiful. You said you like chrysanthemum, falls like rain full years. When I was a child, I always want to...

  • [中考英语] 英语作文:我的父母 (2013-06-28)

    As a teenager,I met the same problem as you. But now I can get along better with my mother. Here are some ideas for you。 Your mother talks much,because she cares about you. Mayb...

  • [中考英语] 六一儿童节英语作文 (2013-06-27)

    Today is Childrens Day.My father takes me to the zoo.There are many kinds of animals,the tigers, the pandas,the lions, the elephants,the giraffes and the bears. They are different ...

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