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三年级英语作文:My Family

作者or编辑: 作文网 发布: www.7lizhi.com/zuowen/ 时间: 2014-11-11 阅读:

  三年级英语作文:My Family

  That is my family.Do you have it?

  Hi!My name is Linda.I’m l2.I’m a student.I liKe volleyball.It’s interesting f[o][r] me.I have a brother Bill [a][n][d] a sister Mary. Bill is l3 [a][n][d] Mary is 11.They are lake volleyball, too.We go to the same school [a][n][d] we play it at school with our friends.Tom [a][n][d] Jeeny are my parents. My mother is 37 [a][n][d] my father is 39.My mother likes tennis. But my father don't lake tennis. He thinks lt’s b[o][r]ing.He lake basketball very much,but he don't play it.He only watches them on TV.

  That is my happy family. I love it very much. Do you lake it?


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