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作者or编辑: 青春励志 发布: www.7lizhi.com 时间: 2014-10-27 阅读:

  1--   我必须梦想我所追求的事物
  I must dream of the things I am seeking
  2--   在往弥撒的路上跳华尔兹 在阶梯上吹口哨
  She waltzes on her way to Mass [a][n][d] whistles on the stair
  3--   我对疑虑仍常保持信心
  I always try to keep faith in my doubts, Sister Berthe.
  4--   也许我们该在她脖子上 挂个牛铃
  We should've put a cowbell around her neck.
  5--   你要过你本来就应过的生活
  You have to live the life you were b[o][r]n to live.
  6--   我有信心,让他们来考验我吧
  I have confidence They'll put me to the test
  7--   群山因为音乐充满生气
  The hills are aliveWith the sound of music
  8--   我心震荡像鸟儿翅膀
  My heart wants to beat like the wings Of the birds that rise
  9--   这些墙并不是 建造来逃避问题的
  These walls were not built to shut out problems.
  10--   盖尔总是相信 它的升起是为了特殊场合
  Ge[o][r]g always believes in "rising to the occasion."
  11--   人人都如此时我可以怎样? -有东西可以做的
  - Can I help it if other people do? - You can help it.
  12--   你想要我们相信 只有奥地利有独特高尚的品德?
  Would you have us believe that Austria holds a monopoly on virtue?
  13--   男女之间的爱也是神圣的 你是可以去爱的
  The love of a man [a][n][d] a woman is holy. You have a great capacity to love.
  14--   但我已献身上帝 我要终生为上帝服务
  But I pledged my life to God. I pledged my life to his service.
  15--   Reverend Mother always says when the L[o][r]d closes a do[o][r], somewhere else he opens a window.
  16--   Mother Abbess: Maria, these walls were not meant to shut out problems. You have to face them. You have to live the life you were b[o][r]n to live.——《音乐之声》
  17--   Max: I hope you appreciate the sacrifice I'm making. Captain von Trapp: You have no choice.[1] Max: I know... That's why I'm making it.——《音乐之声》
  18--   Kurt: I wonder what grass tastes like.
  19--   Max: How many have I had? Maid: Two. Max: Make it an uneven three.
  20--   The Baroness: Somewhere out there is a lady who I think will never be a nun. Auf Wiedersehen, darling.
  21--   Max: He's got to at least *pretend* to w[o][r]k with these people. You must convince him. Maria: I can't ask him to be less than he is.
  22--   Captain von Trapp: Fraulein, is it to be at every meal, [o][r] merely at dinnertime, that you intend on leading us all through this rare [a][n][d] wonderful new w[o][r]ld of... indigestion?
  23--   Captain von Trapp: It's the dress. You'll have to put on another one bef[o][r]e you meet the children. Maria: But I don't have another one. When we entered the abbey our w[o][r]ldly clothes were given to the po[o][r].——《音乐之声》
  24--   Captain von Trapp: What about this one? Maria: The po[o][r] didn't want this one.——《音乐之声》
  24--   《音乐之声》经典台词-- 《音乐之声》名句--电影台词--经典对白

上一篇:《云图》经典台词,云图经典语录名言名句,云图经典对白 下一篇:《蓝色骨头》经典台词,《蓝色骨头》经典语录名言名句对白

