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我的生日英语作文:my birthday

作者or编辑: 秩名投稿 发布: www.7lizhi.com/zuowen 时间: 2014-09-09 阅读:

  我的生日英语作文:my birthday
  today is my nineth birthday.my mother [a.n.d] my gr[a.n.d]ma buy a big cake for me.when i get home,i see a cake on the table. there are nine c[a.n.d]les on it [a.n.d] there is a present next to the cake.i ask my mother [a.n.d] my gr[a.n.d]mother:"what's it?"
  they say:"can you guess?"
  "yes,i can.is it a toy-car?"
  "no.it's not."my mum says."is it a cap?"
  "no,it's not.""is it a scarf?"
  "yes,it is.you're so clever."i open it.hmm!there is a letter under the scarf.write :the weather is getting cold,please wear this scarf ,don't have the flu."
  "thanks mum [a.n.d] gr[a.n.d]ma.i love you very much!"
  -- (注释:[a.n.d] 替换为原来的单词)

上一篇:干净的雨世界:Clean rain world 下一篇:我爱我的家乡英语作文:i love my village
本文标题:我的生日英语作文:my birthday

