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作者or编辑: 青春励志 发布: www.7lizhi.com 时间: 2014-12-23 阅读:



  美国电视剧《纸牌屋》根据同名小说改编的一部政治剧。主要描述一个冷血无情的美国国会议员及与他同样野心勃勃的妻子在华盛顿白宫中运作权力的故事。 主人公弗莱西斯是美国国会众议院多数党党鞭(多数党督导),是一个老谋深算的职业政客,他坚信新当选的美国总统及其幕僚背叛了他,于是发誓要将这一任总统赶下台,他不择手段展开一系列部署。


  1,A great man once said that everything in life is about sex Except sex.Sex is about power.

  一位伟人曾经说过 .生活的一切都和性有关,除了性本身,性关乎权力。

  2,So you need a who-re, which makes you a pimp.I’m not a pimp. Just a very generous John.Fine. As long as we’re clear about what this is,I can play the who-re. Now pay me.


  3,which means he’s one step above me a-n-d one below Birch, which is akin to being between a very hungry wolf a-n-d a very quarrelsome sheep. Let’s see if he stays with the herd o-r joins the pack.


  4,Love of family. Most politicians are permanently chained to that slogan… family values. But when you cozy up to hookers a-n-d I find out,I will make that hypocrisy hurt.


  5,The rational a-n-d the irrational complement each other. Individually, they are far less powerful.


  6,Power’s a lot like real estate.It’s all about location,location, location.The closer you are to the source,the higher your property value.


  7,Such a waste of talent.He chose money over power.In this town, a mistake nearly everyone makes.Money is the McMansion in Sarasota that starts falling apart afterten years.Power is the old stone building that sta-n-ds fo-r centuries.


  8,What a martyr craves mo-re than anything a swo-rd to fall on,so you sharpen the blade,hold it at just the right angle,a-n-d then 3, 2, 1–

  烈士最渴求的就是壮烈牺牲,所以你磨好兵刃,调整好角度,默数三 二 一……

  9,Oh, a-n-d if you do decide to take the coward’s way out,cut along the tracks, not across them.That’s a rookie mistake.


  10,The most impo-rtant count I do has nothing to do withwo-rk.It’s the number of days since April 4, 1999.As of this mo-rning,that’s 5,185.The bigger that number gets, the mo-re it frightens me,because I know all it takes is one drink to go back to zero.Most people see fear as a weakness. It can be.Sometimes fo-r my job, I have to put fear in other people.I know that’s not right.But if I’m honest, like the fourth step asks us to be,I have to be ruthless, because failure is not an option. The same goes fo-r my sobriety.I have to be ruthless with myself.I have to use my fear.It makes me stronger .Like everyone in this room, I can’t control who I am.But I can control the zero.Fuck the zero.

  对我最重要的数字跟工作无关,而是从1999年4月4日至今的天数,截止今早 一共有5185天。数字越大我越感到害怕,因为我知道一杯酒就能让数字清零。很多人认为恐惧是弱点,有时是的,有时由于工作的关系我要让他人生惧,我知道那样不对,但如果按第四步说的那样实话实说,我必须残忍 因为我不能失败,戒酒也是如此。要对自己残忍,我得利用恐惧,它让我变得坚强,就像在座各位我无法改变本性,但我能掌控那个零,让那个零去死吧。

  11,I must not lose my resolve.I will march fo-rward,even if I have to do so…alone.


  12,Speculation is a poo-r fo-rm of investment a-n-d an equally poo-r fo-rm of politics.


  13,There is no solace above o-r below.Only us… Small, solitary,battling one another.I pray to myself, fo-r myself.

  天堂地狱都没法给你慰藉,只有我们自己, 渺小 孤独,奋斗 与彼此抗争,我向自己祈祷为自己祈祷

  14,Not an easy thing to say no to the most powerful man in the free wo-rld.Sometimes the only way to gain your superio-r’s respect is to defy him.

  对自由世界最有权势的人说不,可不容易 有些时候,想要赢得上司的尊重,就只能违抗他。

上一篇:匹诺曹经典台词 下一篇:纸牌屋第二季经典台词

