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×÷Õßor±à¼­: ·¢²¼: ʱ¼ä: 1970-01-01 ÔĶÁ: ´Î

Ò»¡¢They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.ËûÃÇÄÛÊÇÐ𸸻áÃæ´ÜÆÆË飬Ȼ¶ø±¾³¯µã´ÜËûÃǵÄÈԾɻ¼ÉÏÊÇÄãÇ×Éí¡£
¶þ¡¢È¥ÊÀÈçÏÄ»¨Ö® ÉÆÁ¼£¬Ð»ÊÀ ÈçÇïÒ¶Ö®¾²Ø« Let life be beautiful like suÃÃÃÃer flowers and death like autumn leaves.ÌÈÈô ÄãÒòʧ Âä ³¯ÁËÌ«Çç¶ø¶éÀᣬÕâôÄãÒ²½«Ê§ Âä ³¯ÈºÐÇÁË¡£ If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars.
Èý¡¢If you don't build your dream, someone will hire you to build theirs.ÌÈÈôÄã²»ºúÏ룬ÕâôÄãÖ»ÄÜΪ±ðÈ˵ĺúÏë»÷¹¤¡£
ËÄ¡¢ÈËÈ¥ÊÀ²»ÊÇʧ Âä ʧ Âä Éý´ó´ó  ¸ÅÓµÓÐʲô£¬¶øÊǽÓËͺͳÉΪºÎLife isn't about getting or having,it's about giving and being.
Îå¡¢ÇÄȻĬĬ µØ³¯¾øÁ¦  °É£¬Õâ²ÅÊÇÄãδÀ´ÐèÒª µ±³É³ïıµÄÊ¡£Work on it quietly. That's what you need to aim for right now
Áù¡¢i’ll think of you every step of the way.ÎÒ»áÏëÄ㣬ÔÚÂþÈß³¤Â·µÄÿһ²½.
Æß¡¢I have nothing but you.You have everything but her.ÎÒ³ýÁËÄãʲô¶¼²»¡£Äã³ýÁËËýʲô¶¼ÓС£
°Ë¡¢When every love comes to the end, if you look back, you will find flowers and sorrows, but it’s always beautiful. ÿһ¶ÎÁµÇé  ÔÚ×ßÎ¥±ÕĻʱ£¬µ¹´ø¹é³¯£¬Ò»ÆðÉÏ´ó´ó  ¸Å»¨»Ü ÏÊØ«£¬´ó´ó  ¸ÅÉýÓ¢²ÓÑÞ£¬¶ø×îʼÄÛÊÇÐÄ°® µÄ
¾Å¡¢Silence and Smile are two powerful tools. Smile is the way to solve many problems and Silence is the way to avoid many problems.ÇáĬ Ó뺬Ìä ÊǶþÖÖ×îÇîÈõµÄÎäÆ÷ ¡£º¬Ìä ÄÜ°ìÀí ¿ÎÌ⣬ÇáĬ ÄܱÜÃâ¿ÎÌâ¡£
Ê®¡¢Work today,for you know not how much you may be hindered tomrrow.½ñ³¯ÓÐʽñ³¯Êª£¬ÁÁ³¯Ã»¹ØϵÇç°­  ¶à¡£
ʮһ¡¢Don't waste your time on a manwoman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you. ²»ÒªÎªÕâЩ²»Ô¸ ÔÚÄãÉíÉϺÄË𸸵ÄÈ˶øÇÚÉÝÄãµÄ¸¸
Ê®¶þ¡¢If love is a mountain, then if men go up, more women they will see while women will see fewer men.ÌÈÈôÁµÇé  Ïñ×ùɽ£¬ÕâôÁ¼ÈËÔ½³¯ÉÏ×ßû¹ØϵÑöÍûµÄ¹ÃÄï¾ÍÔ½¶à£¬¶ø¹ÃÄïÔ½³¯ÉÏ×ßû¹ØϵÑöÍûµÄÁ¼È˾ÍÔ½³¤¡£

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