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I never give up

作者or编辑: 青春励志 发布: www.7lizhi.com 时间: 2015-02-02 阅读:

  I never give up

  I have never given up his…

  Even if was black a-n-d blue all over Death, I never regret.

  His bright eyes bent into a month, hidden smile, never show to me.

  Jasmine women,that beautiful flute has never stopped.

  I am serious with tea picking, dried, tea, a faint scent of jasmine tea pot every day,give him.

  He is always shy in the past, but never told me that a "thank you"…

  When the sun Angle, is the young return…

  Do flute has not stopped, under the starry sky with who?

  Jun lang, I have been waiting fo-r…

  The cold has been a long time of jasmine tea, dusty, seems to be waiting fo-r a person to come…

  Boy oh boy, why XieQi fly?

  I have been waiting fo-r, waiting fo-r the warmth of your bosom…

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本文标题:I never give up

